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The Second Chance Reauthorization Act of 2011 (S. 1231) was introduced in June by Senator Patrick Leahy (D- VT), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Senator Robert Portman (R‑OH), and is now on its way to the U.S. Senate for a vote. The Second Chance Act originally passed unanimously in 2008 and funded re-entry programs nation-wide in the areas of substance abuse treatment, employment and mentoring services, and family reunification programs. It has since improved ex-offender reintegration into communities and reduced recidivism rates. 

Following Deputy Director Dinky Enty’s blog, Will federal funding give reentry another chance?, on June 23, 2011, CJCJ has developed an advocacy letter for those wanting the show their support of the Second Chance Reauthorization Act. 

CJCJ supports the Second Chance Reauthorization Act of 2011 (S. 1231) because it has a renewed emphasis on collaboration between agencies, particularly between probation and law enforcement and consolidates current programs to improve efficiency in spending and program delivery. Additionally, it incorporates methods for implementation and testing of evidence-based programming to ensure cost-effective fiscal allocations. 

As taxpayers, our resources should be invested in programs supporting those exiting prisons and jails to ensure safe and productive communities. Currently 3.2% of all U.S. residents are under correctional supervision, including over 2.3 million residing in prison or jail. That translates to over 700,000 individuals released each year, in addition to more than 9 million released from jail each year. Now, with national recidivism rates at 67% (according to a 2007 USDOJ study), and exceeding 70% in some states, it is more important than ever for our nation to prioritizes funding for re-entry programs. This bi-partisan bill is supported by state correctional departments and community agencies alike. To thank Senators Leahy and Portman for their commitment to this issue and urge other Senators to support S 1231, please take a moment to sign our letter of support and then let your friends know how easy it is to take action. 

Watch this short video for more information. 

Additionally, if you would like to urge your Senator to co-sponsor the bill, find your Senator here: http://​www​.sen​ate​.gov/​g​e​n​e​r​a​l​/​c​o​n​t​a​c​t​_​i​n​f​o​r​m​a​t​i​o​n​/​s​e​n​a​t​o​r​s​_​c​f​m.cfm

Follow the bill here: http://​www​.open​congress​.org/​b​i​l​l​/​112​-​s​1231​/show

~Emily LuhrsSentencing Service Program Case Specialist