CBS Monterey interviews CJCJ’s Erica Webster about a new CJCJ report analyzing Proposition 47’s impact on crime.
Reported by KION/CBS Monterey:
Under Prop 47, certain low-level felonies were reclassified as misdemeanors. The measure also allowed some low-level offenders to leave state prison early. The report from the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice (CJCJ) tested to see if that drop in the state’s prison population resulted in a higher crime rate. The short answer is that it’s too early to tell.
“Since California has 58 counties, we basically have 58 different criminal justice systems which vary in terms of how they are implementing prop 47. So we really need to inspect the county level crime changes to get a better understanding of how Prop 47 is changing crime in California,” said CJCJ’s Erica Webster.
Analysts say last year’s spike in crime could be an anomaly or it could be a pattern.
Read the report “Proposition 47 and Crime in 2015: A County-Level Analysis” »Related Links:
Is Proposition 47 to Blame for California’s 2015 Increase in Urban Crime?
Senate subcommittee votes to improve Prop. 47 funding process
Proposition 47: Estimating Local Savings and Jail Population Reductions