Daniel Macallair, Executive Director of CJCJ, recently presented on Juvenile Justice Reform in Hawaii at the Western Society of Criminology’s 37th annual conference. Meda Chesney-Lind and Brian Bilsky (University of Hawaii-Manoa) and CJCJ’s Senior Research Fellow Randall G. Shelden (University of Nevada-Las Vegas) were his co-presenters. Mr. Macallair’s presentation focused on CJCJ’s role in Hawaii’s juvenile justice reform.
In 1989, the Western Regional Office of the National Center on Institutions and Alternatives (NCIA), later to become the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, was contracted by the Hawaii Department of Corrections to conduct an analysis of the state’s youth correctional system and develop recommendations for reform. Hawaii state officials adopted CJCJ’s recommendations, ultimately resulting in the closing of the state’s training school in favor of a small 30-bed secure facility and a range of community-based programs. The following year Mr. Macallair returned for a seven-month period on a contract to establish a model accelerated parole and reentry program.