Overview Cameo House Community Options for Youth (COY) Detention Diversion Advocacy Program (DDAP) Expert Witness, Court Navigation, & Sentencing Mitigation Services Juvenile Collaborative Reentry Unit (JCRU) No Violence Alliance (NoVA) Overview Technical Assistance California Sentencing Institute Next Generation Fellowship Legislation Transparency & Accountability

We urgently need your support to keep Cameo House open so CJCJ can continue serving our community.

Today, Senator Bradford introduced legislation to re-invest hundreds of millions in health-focused and community-based youth services.

The proposed 2021 – 22 state budget finalizes plans for the closure of California’s barbaric state youth correctional system, the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ).

CJCJ stands behind more than a dozen state legislators in urging Governor Newsom to take swift action on the COVID-19 crisis at the state’s youth correctional system, the Division of Juvenile Justice.

CJCJ Report Warns of Second Major COVID-19 Outbreak in DJJ; Expanding our Juvenile Justice Services to Support Youth; Help Strengthen Families Impacted by Incarceration.