Criminologist Randall G. Shelden analyzes juvenile issues through the lens of social justice, linking social inequality, including the unique problems of girls growing up in a patriarchal society, to delinquency and crime.
With 2,500 fatal murders and suicides every month, the typical shooter is white and grownup, 90% are by adults.
Blog Dec 1, 2003
The San Francisco Industrial School and the Origins of Juvenile Justice in California
Daniel Macallair examines the Industrial School’s controversial 33-year history and how it contributed to the development of California juvenile laws, policies, and practices.
Sociologist Mike A. Males takes a critical view of ten common myths about adolescents and — through statistics on drugs, alcohol, sex, crime and curfews — reveals what teens are really like and what they really need.
Blog Jul 1, 2002
Smoked: Why Joe Camel Is Still Smiling
Sociologist Mike A. Males analyzes the history of the anti-smoking movement.