Marijuana Decriminalization Law Brings Down Juvenile Arrests in California Nation of Change, November 26, 2012
Report: Youth Crime Drops in San Mateo County Redwood City-Woodside Patch, December 5, 2012
Have you ever been in a room of highly educated individuals discussing sentencing and bail reform in California? I was just recently. On Tuesday November 27, 2012 I attended the Little Hoover Commission hearing as an expert witness. The conversation was extremely dynamic and thought provoking with significant dialogue on the fairness and constitutionality of the uniform bail industry in California. Despite the varying intricacies discussed there was a glaring omission: the collateral…
Blog Dec 2, 2012
Reform cuts marijuana possession arrests 86% in 2011, upends California drug policing
Just-released 2011 arrest statistics from the state Criminal Justice Statistics Center show that pioneering legislation downgrading simple marijuana possession from a criminal offense into an infraction – an effort to deter passage of Proposition 19, which would have legalized marijuana outright – has detonated a revolution in California drug-law enforcement. California’s new arrest figures read like something out of a drug policy reformer’s dream – but with unexpected twists (see table).…
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