Report: Monitor’s findings shed poor light on Oakland’s police department Oakland Tribune, October 3, 2012
San Mateo County faults three reports that question need for new jail Daily News, October 4, 2012
Blog Oct 2, 2012
Romney, the 47% and juvenile justice
GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney committed a major blunder that has gone viral all across the country. In a moment of candor he told a very exclusive audience (of mostly some of the infamous one percenters and perhaps a few wanabees) that “There are 47 percent of the [American] people who will vote for the president no matter what.…there are 47 percent who are with whom, who are dependent on government, who believe they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to…
San Francisco boasts of prison-realignment successes San Francisco Examiner, October 1, 2012
Newsroom Sep 28, 2012
CJCJ Newsletter — Pretrial strategies to reduce unnecessary incarceration safely
Pretrial resources and upcoming juvenile map release