The De-incarceration of California’s Juvenile Justice System Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, November 30, 2011
Earlier this month I had the opportunity to attend a two-day conference entitled, “Exposing Structural Racism from Within: The Power of Restorative Justice,” sponsored by the Henderson Center for Social Justice at UC Berkeley. Conferences, especially those in an academic environment, usually tend to focus only on the problems, however this time I left with an overwhelmed, yet hopeful, mind. While there was plenty of theoretical discourse on how, and if, restorative justice as a model has the…
Blog Nov 22, 2011
CDAA: ignoring the evidence
Realignment has affected all branches of the criminal justice system. While sheriffs and probation departments scramble to implement innovate alternatives to incarceration and maximize their jail capacities without adequate funding, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and the courts are also faced with similar challenges. However, some county’s prosecutors are not rising to the challenge, according to an article in the San Francisco Chronicle . In fact, while San Francisco DA George Gascón…
A little known law enforcement group with heavy political sway KALW News, November 18, 2011
Congratulations to Executive Director Daniel Macallair, who has been awarded the California Wellness Foundation Sabbatical Program Award for 2011! This leadership support program is now in its ninth year and aims to provide an opportunity for rejuvenation and promote the health of valuable leaders in the nonprofit health and human services sector. “I look forward to spending three months finishing my book on the Calfornia juvenile justice system.” ~ CJCJ Executive Director Daniel…