Blog Jun 14, 2011
Release the Real Low Risk Prisoners
As the state of California responds to the recent Supreme Court decision ordering the release of 30,000 or more prisoners, there needs to be an awareness of what kinds of prisoners pose the greatest risk of returning to crime. It always seems to be the conventional wisdom that those serving time for property, drug and other non-violent offenders, plus parole violators, are considered to be “low-risk” offenders. Thus any discussion of what kinds of prisoners that ought to be released tends…
Newsroom Jun 14, 2011
Student privacy vs. teacher safety
Student privacy vs. teacher safety Houston Chronicle, June 14, 2011
Teen curfews: Protect teens, curb crime, or just peace of mind? Atlanta Journal-Constitution, June 13, 2011
Blog Jun 10, 2011
Goodbye Preston
In 1894, the Preston School of Industry opened its doors and begun a 119-year legacy of maltreatment. Located in Ione, Amador County, this archaic institution was built based on a 19th Century model of congregate reform schools. It soon developed a reputation for appalling physical conditions and extreme brutality by staff members. By 1895, allegations arose of ill-treatment, malnourishment and overworking of youth. In the early-1900’s, several newspapers reported foul and degrading…
Commissioned by the Sierra Health Foundation, and authored by CJCJ, Renewing Juvenile Justice offers policy recommendations to move juvenile justice practices in California into the 21st Century.