California Counties Struggle to Take Over Juvenile Justice The California Report, March 23, 2011.
Blog Mar 23, 2011
San Quentin State Prison
On March 17, 2011 CJCJ staff toured San Quentin State Prison with the kind permission and supervision of Lieutenant Samuel Robinson. San Quentin State Prison, home to 4,999 incarcerated men and currently operating at 162% of its design capacity is touted as one of the more progressive California state prisons, yet it struggles to provide services to its burgeoning prison population. The gymnasium at San Quentin has been utilized as a large open dormitory for the past twenty years, in…
Today, 70,000 nonviolent offenders are locked up in state prison at bankrupting $3.5 billion per year costs to the state, with fiscal conditions getting gloomier as courts order upgrades in prison conditions and reductions in prison populations. Do local jails have the capacity to absorb a significant proportion, perhaps the 30,000 to 40,000, of these drug and property offense convicts – or even, on an immediate basis, the 15,000 or so we found were imprisoned for extremely low-level , mostly…
Newsroom Mar 14, 2011
Brown’s plan to shut down youth prisons derailed
Brown’s plan to shut down youth prisons derailed California Watch, March 14, 2011.
At $50k a pop, which counties are sending low-level offenders to prison? KALW News, March 9, 2011.