The Latest Look at the Effects of Juvenile Incarceration, California Style Pacific Crime Blog, July 30, 2010.
Blog Jul 21, 2010
Building a new consensus on California prison policy
The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice (CJCJ) and the California Correctional Peace Officers Association are co-hosting an unprecedented series of policy discussions in Sacramento with some of the state’s leading correctional experts to help forge a consensus on future corrections policy. With the continued deterioration of conditions in the state’s prisons, a new urgency has emerged that is bringing together a new coalition of groups and individuals to work with state leaders to address…
Newsroom Jul 21, 2010
CJCJ co-hosts the Correctional Crisis Conference
In June 2010 the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice entered into a unique partnership with the California Correctional Peace Officer’s Association by co-hosting the Correctional Crisis Conference. This collaborative effort convenes California’s leading correctional experts and stakeholders from the entire spectrum of the criminal justice system. The goal of the roundtable discussions is to develop a set of policy recommendations for the gubernatorial candidates that will elevate the…
Newsroom Jul 21, 2010
New Report Released: “The California Miracle”
Executive Director Daniel Macallair and Senior Research Fellow Mike Males investigate the validity of the Incapacitation Theory through the recent report titled “The California Miracle: Drastically Reduced Youth Incarceration, Drastically Reduced Youth Crime .” This report serves as an update to a prior CJCJ publication, “Testing Incapacitation Theory: Youth Crime and Incarceration in California .” Our recent analysis calls incapacitation theory into serious question. Incapacitation theory…
In September 2009, San Francisco was one of only five jurisdictions from around the nation selected as a Second Chance Act National Demonstration Project site by the United States Department of Justice, to develop and implement the Juvenile Collaborative Reentry Team (JCRT). JCRT is a collaboration between the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, the San Francisco Juvenile Probation Department, the San Francisco Superior Court, and the San Francisco Public Defender’s Office, that will…