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Publications Mar 15, 2016
New Report! Is Proposition 47 to Blame for California’s 2015 Increase in Urban Crime?
A new CJCJ report by Mike Males finds no obvious effects associated with Prop. 47 that would be expected if the reform measure had produced a consistent impact on crime.
Unofficial meeting minutes from the November 2015 BSCC meeting.
Houston’s Forward Times cites a CJCJ report showing the many different ways African American youth are disproportionately represented in both the juvenile and criminal justice systems nationwide.
CJCJ has updated it’s Farrell Litigation Timeline to include relevant events from 2013 — 2015.
Publications Sep 30, 2015
September news from CJCJ: Executive Director publishes history of California juvenile justice system
After the Doors Were Locked: California’s juvenile justice history; JJS supports youth on Polynesia Violence Prevention Day; CJCJ participates in Monterey County Proposition 47 town hall