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Publications May 1, 1994
Trading Books for Bars: The Lopsided Funding Battle Between Prison and Universities
In a time of fiscal crisis and increasingly limited discretionary spending, such vast increases in prison spending will necessarily threaten both the quality and availability of higher education in California.
Given that so many of the women in prison in California are driven to drug use because of poverty and abuse, the real issue before us is detention or prevention?
Disposition Case Advocacy in San Francisco’s Juvenile Justice System
Publications Dec 1, 1993
From Beyond Shelter To Behind Bars
A study of San Francisco’s practice of policing homelessness. Our Officers and Deputies are highly trained individuals, but they can not be expected to protect us from poverty.
Examination of corrections in CA concludes, “we starve programs which could have an impact on crime in order to pour money into a bloated imprisonment program which cannot work.”